Sponsor a chair
Help to make an important contribution to our cathedral by sponsoring a chair.
In 2003, the Friends agreed to fund the replacement of all 1,800 chairs in the Cathedral and the Chair Project was born. This project is still running and you can support us by sponsoring a cathedral chair. Each chair you sponsor will bear a plaque inscribed with a dedication of your choice: it may be your name; that of an organisation; to commemorate a special occasion or in memory of a loved one.
If possible, please make your contribution under the Gift Aid scheme by completing the appropriate box on the form. This will enable the Friends to reclaim basic rate tax on the amount you give. To qualify, you must be a UK income tax and/or capital gains tax equal to the tax which we will reclaim.
Should the total of funds subscribed exceed the total cost of the project, any excess will be added to the Friends’ general funds for the Cathedral’s benefit.
To sponsor a chair, or make a donation, please click here
1. Once sponsored, the chair will become the property of the Cathedral. Sponsorship of a chair does not entitle the sponsor to any special admission or seating rights.
2. The chairs are designed so that they may be moved and stacked where necessary. There is therefore no undertaking to keep a sponsored in any part of, or position in, the Cathedral.
3. While the chairs are expected to last for many years and every effort will be made to avoid damage, no guarantee can be given that any one chair will be in the Cathedral for any specific period of time.
4. The Friends reserve the right to have the final say as to what may be inscribed on the plaque.